Wareham Massachusetts


We are a REAL Local Florist!

A Wareham Florist/A Mattapoisett Florist is a full-service flower shop!  Your Local Florist located just minutes away from the business district of Wareham, serving our communities since 2003.  We are a family owned and operated business located at 2639 Cranberry Highway,  Many refer to us as “the log cabin” on cranberry highway. 

We have always enjoyed participating as well as supporting local fundraising, and community events. Many that personally touch my heart. Our feelings are “You don’t pay love back; you pay it forward.”  

Our shop has a beautiful selection of gifts and unique indoor planters.

We keep an ever changing selection of beautiful seasonal blooms, and locally grown flowers & foliage, in store. Our team are always on hand to create beautiful hand ties and bouquets on request.

We also take orders by phone, and online and offer a delivery service.

Come on in: 2639 Cranberry Highway, Wareham, MA 02571


Since opening our doors in 2003, our philosophy has been:

“Our customers are our number one priority, and their business is always appreciated.” 

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