
Astonish, enchant and dazzle your guests with sprays of color and dramatic floral artwork by the creative team at Your Local Florist.


Choosing a floral theme is one of the most exciting, yet challenging aspects of wedding planning. Whether you have been planning your dream wedding from childhood or coming to us with a blank slate, our team can offer advice and guidance, utilizing our expertise and creativity. We offer an initial complimentary consultation.

At Your Local Florist we focus on each bride's unique vision and style by providing customized design and personalized service. We create a unique experience by working alongside each of our brides from their initial consultation to their wedding day. You can count on our professional and skilled team to personally attend to all your floral and decor needs and to materialize your vision on your special day.

Our personalized consultations are conducted in-person, on the phone or through email, based upon our client’s preferences to accommodate their busy schedules. Our in-person consultations generally last about an hour.  

We serve Wareham, Mattapoisett, Plymouth, Carver and all the surrounding areas.  We travel locally as well as out of state to make your special day vision.


Floral Vision.

At the initial consultation we review our bride’s floral vision, needs and budget, discuss the venue and give our creative input. We ask that our brides come to their initial consultation with as much information as possible including Pinterest boards, fabric and color swatches, magazine tear outs, and any other ideas that help us better understand what they are envisioning. Some brides come to us for guidance and creative input, which we are more than happy to offer.


Securing Your Date.

Upon approval of the proposal, a 10% deposit is due, with the balance due one month prior to their wedding. Once booked, we will schedule a walk-through of your venue, on a per request basis, to help you further visualize your floral décor. Upon request, we also provide samples for our brides shortly before their wedding when their flowers are in season (fees apply).


“I couldn’t be happier with Nancy, the owner of A Wareham Florist. Her ability to know what I was explaining I wanted for my wedding flowers was impeccable and was everything I wanted them to be on the day of our wedding. To top it off, her prices were very reasonable!”

-Rebecca Andresen